This is my online store powered by Zazzle. I sell products with my own designs on it. I customize iPhone cases, mugs, notebooks, shirts, and more. If you want to request a design from me, feel free to contact me. Zazzle specializes on personalized items, so if you want to browse through gift ideas as well, you should check this out.

Creative Market is an online store where you can buy different premium fonts, graphics, themes, templates, photos, and more design must-haves showcased by creative people. Once you sign up, you'll get 10% discount on your purchase and get six (6) free assets delivered to your inbox every week. I already got them myself. It's a great deal, right? So if you want to use premium assets, I highly recommend that you would browse through this one. Also, if you're a creative fellow like them, you should go ahead and sell your assets here as well.