Twenty Twenty-Four: A Year-End Post


Hello, everyone! Once again, I am back with another year-end post. I noticed that I have already been doing this for ten (10) years since I started in 2014. A great dedication on my part, I guess?

Anyway, this year, for me, is so eventful, more than I thought it would be.

If you're curious, feel free to read more.

2023: A Year-End Post


Hello, everyone! I am once again back with a year-end blog post. It feels good to be able to write and reminisce about my year, and I have been doing this for nine (9) years now since 2014.

Come to think of it, every year feels different, although its moments feel analogous to some other particular year. This year 2023 feels just like that.

Well, I can say that 2023 is filled with first times, breakthroughs, and some wins, big and small, just like the previous years that I have lived, so I am thankful for all these.

Here is how my year 2023 has been~

Twenty Twenty-Two: A Year-End Post


“2022 is definitely a year full of new beginnings."

Hello, everyone! I am once again back with a year-end post. Like in 2021, this year is such an eventful year and it will be a waste if I don't write a blog post about it. So here it goes~